Thursday 23 March 2017

Wave shawl


小茄用Turkish Lace pattern(織條 Wave shawl.......

Abbreviations :
K         = knit
P         = purl
st(s)     = stitch(es)
yo        = yarn over
k2tog   = knit next 2 sts together
k1tbl    = knit st through the back loop
kyok    = k1, yo, k1 in the same stitch


Cast on 4 stitches

Row 1 : K1, yo, k2, yo, k1 [ 6 sts ]
Row 2 : K1, ktbl, k2, ktbl, k1
Row 3 : K1, yo, k to last st, yo, k1 [ 8 sts ]
Row 4 : K1, ktbl, k to last 2 sts, ktbl, k1
Row 5 : K1, yo, kyok, k to last sts, kyok, yo, k1 [ 14 sts ]


next row......

Turkish Lace pattern 
Row 1 : K1, k1tbl, k1, [yo, k2tog] to last 3 sts, k1, k1tbl, k1
Row 2 : K1, yo, kyok, k, [yo, k2tog] to last 3 sts k1, kyok, yo, k1

[ copied from ]

* 5 repeats of Turkish Lace pattern in total

next row........

Garter Stitch pattern 
Row 11 : K1, k1tbl, k to last 2 sts, k1tbl, k1
Row 12 : K1, yo, kyok, k to last 2 sts, kyok, yo, k1

** 3 repeats of Garter Stitch pattern in total

Repeat * and ** 8 times 

Repeat Garter Stitch pattern 3 times more, BO loosely on the last row.


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又忙左兩日啦! 今早因下微雨,所以親子體操取消,而義工家長果邊又可以早完成,小茄再留校排練家長聖誕表演,完成所有事情......時間還早丫😆😆可以到健身室啦! 今早不是甚麼原因,越行越快,但又沒有吃力嘅感覺,反而覺得越來越輕鬆...... 經過 60+ 2分鐘努...